Are you a good time manager? Are you utilizing your day to its maximum potential?
Write down how you manage a typical day! Here’s an example of one….
[YOUR NAME], NaNoWriMo Novelist
6:40 Alarm goes off. No snooze. Get up. Shower.
6:50 Make coffee; grab a bowl of cereal and banana.
6:55-7:15 Check email, and other social networks.
7:14 Shut off from the world.
7:15-7:45 Make breakfast for family.
7:45 Spouse takes kids to school. Clean up breakfast dishes.
7:50 Log back on computer. Research tweets, get daily news.
8:15- 9:15 Workout at the home/condo gym. Watch fun TV show while exercising.
9:15-9:30 Shower, dress, skip the blow dry.
9:30 – ? Write, write, write. Take a break for a snack and meal.
5:00 – Prepare dinner for the family.
8:00 – 9:30 – Write.
9:30 – Start getting ready for bed. Read in bed.
10:15-10:30 – Lights off. (If not earlier)
Happy Day 21 of NaNoWriMo!
Today’s word count: 35,007 words
ThinkBLink by Shilpa Raikar.