Creative Block? You are not alone.

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“If you want to make art, find time for it.” Arian Behzadi


“Have you heard that people who study psychology are often trying to work through creative issues of their own?”

creative-blockIt’s perhaps the reason that Danielle Krysa, author of the art blog, The Jealous Curator, decided to write a book about Creative Block.

“What matters is that you enjoy the process of making. There is pure joy in it.”


Her aim was to create something beautiful – a contemporary art book filled not only with stunning images, but also inspiring words, advice and tips to help amateurs and professionals alike find their way through those days when the ideas won’t come.

photo (3)What do you do when you want inspiration? Go out and get advice from some of the greatest minds in the creative stratosphere. Which is why in her book Creative Block, Danielle Krysa documents her conversations with different artists around the world to find out how they face their own hurdles.

“It’s easy to critique something, but to critique something and provide a better alternative shows that you’re good at it.” Arian Behzadi

On the ThinkBlink blog, we’ve discussed creative blog on several occasions. USE A PINK PENCIL focuses on routine, and how it starts to bog down our thinking. Our solution: use a pink pencil to help you get out of a rut. Read more about why ThinkPink works, and why we really need to avoid this robotic state where our ideas become linear.

“I adjust to block by accepting it as a normal part of the creative process, so that it becomes more of a hurdle than a wall.” Dolan Geiman (Collage/Mixed Media, USA)

Another favourite ThinkBlink inspiration from our blog: True writers, write anywhere!

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Artists don’t usually have the luxury of not finishing up or giving up on a project. In the world of advertising, you have to deliver. There are deadlines to newspapers, campaigns that have to be delivered on time, and having an “off” day just won’t cut it. Can you imagine telling a client that?

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Creative Block, is a book we’ll dust off the bookshelf again and again. It may be fair to say that it actually won’t sit on the bookshelf long enough to collect dust. There’s so much inspiration to be gleaned from it.

Discover golden tips on how to stay motivated, slough off criticism and self-doubt, and keep ideas flowing. Each artist offers a project to push you and keep you moving forward. Creative Block is a survey of cutting-edge contemporary artists and a creative toolkit all in one. It’s your ticket to the next creative breakthrough.

ThinkBLink by Shilpa Raikar.

Creative Unblock by Danielle Krysa, is published by Chronicle Books, and distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books.