What’s brand got to do with it? Glenfiddich knows.

A recent post on sukasastyle.com suggests that snobbery is not the exclusive purview of wine lovers, but rather scotch lovers exhibit it in spades. It’s not surprising really.

Scotch has widely gained a notoriety not only amongst those who don’t need to clutch their purse strings as tightly, but also amongst the want-to-be’s. Look around you and you’ll notice that people aren’t just drinking a category anymore. Which means, most people don’t ask the bartender for a scotch. True scotch drinkers drink a name, a brand. And even within a brand there are distinctions such as the year. So, whether it’s Glenfiddich 18-year or Laphroaig 10 Year, scotch aficionados know exactly what they want.  It’s no wonder that scotch branding snobbery is on the top of the list of advertising creatives.

It goes to show that great marketing results are achieved by the delicate art of creating a want in the consumer. Of course, you have to have a great product. That goes without saying. @SukasaStyle understands the subtle nuances of taste and preference. If you follow their popular #ScotchSunday posts, you’ll understand that scotch has the nuances and complexities of wine. And, look how well the branding of wine turned out. Now a billion dollar industry, wine advertising covers everything from product design, marketing, social media engagement, product placements, restaurant exclusives.

Taking  Glenfiddich as our example, what does this brand do well?

1. Consistent brand representation – look at the ads. They have a specific look and feel. Clean, classy and perhaps even a bit sassy.
2. Whether it’s the right tagline remains debatable, but Glenfiddich sure does tout around it’s tagline “The World’s Most Awarded Single Malt”. Perhaps
3. Accessible and understandable Social Media presence
4. Sticking to the KISS principleglenfiddich_australia_18-12-10-v2 glenfiddich_australia_18-12-10-v3 Glenfiddich1


Permission of sukasastyle.com 

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