NaNoWriMo Day 20 – Drop by your local library

unnamedA repository of creative nuggets, the local library is one of the most overlooked spots when  creative thinkers think of inspiration. While books can be a fabulous source or information on your topic, sometimes just perusing through the magazine aisle is equally or more valuable.

May I recommend that instead of flipping through magazines that may be related to your topic, you choose one that perhaps is out of left field to your topic? The is a method to this madness as reading blurbs about topics you are unfamiliar with, helps to tap into a different area of the brain enabling you to think of your writing challenge in a different way.

What are you waiting for? Head over now and check out a magazine or two, or three, or five. Read a blurb. Think about the writing and sentence construction. Is there anything you can draw on and use in your own story?

Happy Day 20 of NaNoWriMo!

Today’s word count: 33,340 words

ThinkBLink by Shilpa Raikar.

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